Fish Migration Monitoring (stacomiR) project

stacomiR stands for migratory control stations. It enables to read informations in a database dedicated to the monitoring of fish migrations.It allows to build overviews of fish migrations and create charts with data.

Migratory fishes move upstream or downsteam in the rivers. Monitoring stations, often located on fishways installed on dams, provide counts of migrants, and those are usefull to stock management.

The objective of the STACOMI project is to provide a database along with data treatment and a tool to import or type down fishes number. The stacomiR package offers standardized treatments for migration monitoring stations

  • compare_arrows Migration overview for one or several species, and stages.
  • multiline_chart Migration analysed with environmental conditions
  • line_weight Weight / number conversion for glass eel
  • show_chart Silver eel migration analysis, along with maturation analysis
  • straighten Size-age conversion for salmon
  • insert_chart Analysis of fish characteristics (size, weight, sex…)
  • functions Crossed analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative characteristics and migration
  • timeline Seasonality analysis, comparison of the annual migration with historical values
  • switch_video Fishway and counting device operation

To work with stacomi, you’ll need a database, and an installation of the program and java interface. Please contact the authors if you are interested in the project.

Cédric Briand EPTB Vilaine
Timothée Besse LOGRAMI
Marion Legrand LOGRAMI

Download packages

archive StacomiR

Fish Migration Monitoring

archive Stacomirtools

ODBC Connection Class for Package stacomiR